I write from a conversational point of view from my inward thoughts. My thoughts are not final. It is what I am thinking currently. Relationships! Relationships! Relationships!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Golden Voices 3
Then when the pastor
said what he said, it clinched it.
"When she began to pray I felt the Spirit of God enter into the building."
Suffice to say, she brought the Spirit in with her.
I suppose at ninety years old, you either know how to pray or you do not. She is an old soldier. She is an experience warrior. She knows how to get in contact with God. She reminds me of my mother. She did not come to church just to be seen or heard, she came to have church. She was not there for a form or fashion, she was there to lift of the name of Jesus, and that she did. She danced and shouted unto the Lord. She sang with her whole being. I enjoy seeing this great woman in the service of the Lord. She was a testimony against all young people that came as spectators. She is a living testimony of God's amazing power to keep his own. God knows how to preserve his own.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Lady Wisdom
Lady Wisdom
She is different from all that I have ever met.
She thinks before responding.
She will not answer if she is not sure.
She never speaks out of turn. She never speaks out of anger, but waits until the proper time to strike a blow to ignorance.
She learns by listening rather than speaking.
Her words wins her favor with all men.
She speaks with the tongue of the learned.
The elders come to her for counsel.
She is praised for the weight of her words, for they are worth more than gold.
She gathers in the early morning before the sun has had a chance to warm the earth. She prepares long before all things happen because time is to her a tool to be used with understanding it will never come again. When all others are sleeping she is still planning the day ahead.
She is Lady Wisdom.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Warrior of Truth (final)
Warrior of Truth (final)
"Keep your chin up," is the phrase I use with Alison
I believe in her quest to be one with the Lord and to arrive at the truth of the word and life. She knows how to pray. She knows and have relationship with the Lord. She loves and honors the Lord with her life.
She is and will forever be my friend. Our friendship will last way beyond this earthly realm.
When we go from labor on this earth to reward, we will see our family and love ones.
We build on friendships here on earth. We build on knowledge here on earth. We are living to live again.
Keep you chin up is the phrase I use to let her know no matter the obstacles and disappointments we run into God is able to keep us.
She has taught me also to be a warrior of truth. I strive to hear, read and write the truth. I am learning more and more daily.
She is my gift, for I have learned so many things from being around her. she has been my friend and companion. I thank God for the day she was born. I thank God for the day we became acquainted. I am especially thankful for the day I discovered our purpose as friends.
God forever bless the Warrior of Truth.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Warrior of Truth 7
Warrior of Truth (7)
I never called her perfect, I called her righteous If she was perfect she would not be human. She is righteous by the will of God, through his Son Jesus Christ. However, to hear others speak of her, they say:
Every time Alison comes home, she brings the family together. She is most like Mama.
Every time Alison comes to the city of Indianapolis, she prays and we see things change.
I do not know what we would do without Alison, she works hard a finishing all project deadlines.
Alison, your voice has that special quality that adds that fullness to all of our worship services and musical groups.
Thank you for praying with me, I already see the difference.
The Warrior of Truth is a catalyst for change for the good where ever she goes. What she brings with her is a spirit of excellence. When she leaves, she also leaves a spirit of excellence. When she goes to a congregation she goes there praying and waring in the Spirit. She prays for the one is preaching because she knows that pastors have to break through multiple layers of "stuff" that people bring with them from various places. She prays during different segments of the service for the success of the service. She has learned that there must be someone praying at all times in the service of God.
Alison, the Warrior of Truth is a righteous and holy woman. She believes in the truth above all things and she will fight for it.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Golden Voices 2
Golden Voices 2
Today I had a really good conversation with a woman of 73 years of age. Other than broken bones that will not heal and arthritis, she said its just old age, with a smile.
Looking back in reflective retrospect, she spoke to me of long years past. She said all the people she knew are dead.
She spoke of fashions she wore and loved so many years ago. She and I both smiled when she said they brought the mini skirt back too late. She spoked of metal belts and 1960's garb that was the fashion of many fashions ago.
She sadly said, she left Cuba at eighteen years old, in 1959, due to the repression of the Cuban government. If was very difficult for her and her family to live under Fidel Castro's government. They did not allow people to gather on the streets; they did not allow you to have company in your home, because everything was aways under suspicion. Finally she told me she was a school teacher, which explained her demeanor and way with words.
If you listened very close you could almost hear the Cuban accent.
She is what I describe as a golden voice. I had the fortune of speaking and gleaning from.
She lost all she had to the communist regime. Her father was killed by the Cuban government. People gave up large homes for freedom.
She asked. what is better wealth or freedom? She said, "yes freedom is better."
"People waste a lot because they take everything for granted she feels so sorry for the people coming along after." She said, "there could possibly be another 911. She senses that it is on its way."
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Warrior Of Truth (6)
Warrior of Truth (6)
Don't let people declare themselves above you, better than you, or their calling is higher than your calling...
The Warrior of Truth said to me. I see that you are a man of faith and integrity. You live for prayer and talking to God. I see that you love the Lord with all of your heart.
Someone told me that you were not living by faith and you were not trusting God for your life. He doesn't have anything to show that he is trusting God. He is not living in the abundance of faith. What makes you say that, she asked? Well he doesn't have what we have. He is living like a pauper. We have cars, a home and many great things that God has given us because we trust him.
We are living by trusting God, and he is not. The Warrior of Truth did not want to be disrespectful to whom she was speaking, so she listened courteously from that moment on.
I went to God in prayer and inquired about it, she said. God told me that you were rich and that you have abundance because you do not trust in material things, but your trust is in God.
People will sometimes judge your relationship to God by the material things you possess. People will judge you by the things they see or think they see.
Who is there with you when you give up your sleep in the middle of the night to pray and have communion and fellowship with God?
Who is there with you when you give to others when you you go lacking?
Who is there when you are called in the middle of the night to pray for the sick?
Who was there for Job when be lost all that he had and all he owned?
Those 3 friends that accused him of not being righteous enough.
It is those that cannot see or know the whole story. It is those that cannot see what God is working out in your life.
The Warrior of Truth said to me, God has shown me your wealth and abundance, and it is not based on what others think they see or know. Keep on doing what you do until all things are manifested.
Don't let people declare themselves above you, better than you, or their calling is higher than your calling.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Warrior of Truth (5)
" I don't want apologies from you, I just want the truth"...
All of my adult life I had to apologize for being on the wrong side of the argument. How dare I take that position with a woman.
No one likes arguing all the time, especially with the ones you have relationship with.
I felt like it was just keeping peace. I wasn't trying to lie, I only wanted peace. You have heard it said repeatedly,
"if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".
Now she was not Mama, but she was my best friend. She wasn't trying to offend me, she only wanted to arrive at the truth. Appeasement was for someone who didn't care about being honest. Arriving at the truth was a process for her when dealing with family and friends. She did not want to waste words, just tell me how you feel about a particular thing, or what your thinking about a particular thing. Lets arrive together at a common ground. Now I had to unlearn some of the things I learned growing up.
She said, I want you to deal with me the way you deal with the word of scriptures.
Now that was odd to me, because I never put those two thoughts together.
Different concept here, I thought to myself.
I didn't mince words when speaking scripture. I said what I believed whether you liked it or not. It was my belief system. No one was going to convince me to change to their way of thinking. I am responsible for what I believe about God. To you it may not seem right, but it is what I am. For someone to change you they must convince you that you are wrong. What satisfies you is not what satisfies me. With all that said, she wanted to know how I arrived at my position. I didn't have to change. She wanted to know what I stood for.
Apologies or fake apologies was not what she wanted to hear. To her it was saying I don't think you are able to comprehend what I am saying.
Not everyone is like this, but I have learn from this warrior of truth. I will be honest with out apologies
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Golden Voices
Golden Voices
I remember listening to the experienced voices of the aged. The words they spoke were not borrowed, but were bought and paid for by experience. It afforded them a little power to discern the foolishness of the young. They would say to me, that boy is not going to make it past forty if he keeps on doing what he's doing. Some were not around to see their words come true, but they did come true. I am not talking about old-folks-isms, I am talking about their experiences that got them to their old age.
I also remember hearing them talk about the experience of friendship, love interests and people they lost along the way. To sum it up, we must not allow ourselves to become inebriated with contemporary voices and not listen to the golden voices that are still among us.
Warrior of Truth (4)
Have you not heard?
We met for a reason.
Either you are a lesson or a blessing.
Concerning the Warrior of Truth, she was both a lesson and a blessing.
One morning she called me on her way to work. I would often wait for her to call me because she also spent her early mornings praying and searching in the word for her morning message from God. She would allow the scriptures to speak to her so that she could have a daily word from the Lord , first thing in the morning. After that, she would share the message on Facebook. On her way to work she would call me and give me her personal insights on what God was saying directly to her. We would sing, pray and encourage each other.
On this day she was sharing her message with me and she screamed JESUS!
I immediately became unglued. It is strange how life in a matter of seconds can go crazy. MY most dominant emotion was fear that I had lost my friend to a car accident. Most people just don't scream JESUS in mid sentence. There was terror in her voice. Something was wrong. What's wrong
Alison, I asked in terror? I heard the sound of a crash. She did not say anything for a few moments. I felt helpless. I knew I had to let her gather her thoughts and I had to gather mine. Those few moments felt like an eternity. I knew God was protecting her from dangers in which she was aware.
I just hit another car and my car is totally demolished. I gotta check on the older couple inside the other vehicle, she said.
She in her calamity, was showing me how a person should act when all of hell's forces break loose on you.
She was not only a friend, but a teacher. I was learning from up close how a person must trust God when I became troubled by the forces against mankind. When my thoughts become irrational I must trust God to bring me through every situation.
Yes she struggled at times, but God kept meeting her at every turn. It is easy to praise God when all things are going well. Can we trust him when we cannot see the means by which he will deliver us?
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of the ALL. I must report to you that through the battles with the insurance companies and police report God took the old car in which she was having troubles, and gave her a brand new car. For the intended attempt to destroy her, the Enemy of God lost his bid. The purpose that God set was a new vehicle for her future move which neither she or I saw coming. God held her future in his hand. God knew the thoughts he had for her. Thoughts of good and not of evil to bring her to expected completion.
This Warrior of Truth is both a lesson and a blessing.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Love Is...
Love is...
Today I responded to a blog that asked the question, what is love to you?
My response was:
Love is...
Us nurturing and growing each other's life, making our lives better, changing circumstances around us with all the resources we are, making our existence better. We become more than we could have been without each other.
To me there is nothing like "falling" in love with the anticipation of being with a person for the rest of our days upon the face of this earth. This is God's perfect plan for imperfect beings. We have no guarantees, however I am so grateful that he gives us the necessary tools to accomplish it.
The picture in my mind is that of a gardener. The gardener plants the seed. He waits for it to sprout. If the sprout is in a container, he transplants it from the container to the earth. The gardener with give time energy to keep healthy until the sprout until it grows into maturity. He cares for the plant by dressing it and keeping it. He rids it of all weeds and all that would choke it out. He protects it from predators. He makes sure it has every thing it needs to survive. He provides a steady supply of sunshine water and nutrients as components it must have to maintain its integrity.
By my illustration we are gardeners to each others life. We are the caregivers and caretakers of each others lives.
Love for me is, providing and receiving the care that can be given by each of the couple.
For me it gives meaning to the phrase, we love God because he first loved us
Some purposely choose to have love weighted to their side to accommodate their needs only. Some do not know how to give of themselves in love. Love is not one-sided nor is it always equally balanced.
We go from marriage to marriage until we get it right. Love is more than a "me" thing.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Warrior of Truth (3)
Warrior of Truth (3)
Monday nights was date night with the Lord. It was a special time that she would set aside and spend with Jesus . She prayed. She worshiped. She gave thanks. She had no human interaction.
Monday nights are given to the Lord. She did not call or receive calls. Not from me; not from her pastor; no one was getting through but the one for whom she prepared.
The Warrior of truth was pure unto her call. If you want me to tell you she was perfect, I cannot. If you want me to tell you she was 100 %, I can not. I can tell you she was more committed to God than anyone I know. Her commitment to God was not just on date night. When she committed to writing, she wrote. When she committed to reading the word, she read. What ever she committed to, she was steadfast.
During my time with her, many called her to pray for their various circumstances, God would intervene.
After date night was over, the next morning she called and we prayed. We sang songs unto the Lord and we offered up thanks. She and I shared fellowship.
Alison is committed to doing what is right She is the Warrior of Truth.
Warrior of Truth (2)
Warrior of Truth (2)
There were those that didn't like her for their own various reasons,... but to sabotage her work. She was a mighty praying woman. She was as a warring princess.
She found out long ago, the more she prayed the better things would work out. She began to pray for all of her coworkers. Not the prayer of, sick them Lord, or get them Lord, but took in account of the scriptures that said, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you. It was done by purpose and by design that she would not return retribution for their unkind acts against her.
The powers that be, moved her to another office. They based on the claim that she was not doing her fair share of work.
Once she was shown the job and how to do it correctly, she would go at it full throttle. There was no need for you to try to keep up with her. By purpose, she believed in giving maximum effort to the point she was very tired at the end of each day. She treated the job as if she was working for her Lord and Master. After she moved to the new office God gave her a plan to work at maximum output. Working at maximum output according to the plan was less stressful and less demanding. The work began to accelerate with less exertion. There came a time when work became a gift to her.
The powers that be, called a meeting to call in to question all that she was doing. In the meeting they read the minutes from the last meeting. They met their obligations that were given to the various personnel and officers.
The time had arrived for the ones who set her up for failure to make their case against the warrior of truth.
The first accuser Mary said let see what has been going on at the office where Alison is working. She proceeded to say our office put out 501 work orders, and 300 mailings. We finished up the month with 399 assists.
What did you do in your office, Alison?
Under her breath she said, thank you Jesus!
Before she began she ask, and how many personnel did you have working on that?
Mary said we had 4 employees working on it. This is a 100 % improvement in all areas over last month.
Karl, Alison's boss smiled with exuberance.
Karl speeding this process alone ask Alison, how much work did you complete?
Alison smiling and happy from head to toe said,
Concerning work orders: I have completed 1200 orders
All checked and signed by Karl.
Concerning mailings: I completed 500 with 200 coming from your office.
Mary and Teresa mouths dropped with abandoned hope.
Lastly concerning assists:
I only did 200 assists.
Karl winked at Alison and no one saw it.
Anticipating question, Karlin said, all of Alison's work was certified by the county offices.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
The Warrior of Truth
The thunder struck with purpose, announcing her entrance, as she walked in her doorstep triumphantly. The lightning streaked across the northern sky, filling the night with light. The rain was coming down very heavy with voices that said "win" with every drop. She stepped inside to get out of the inclimate weather.
She has won many battles and this was just one more. Usually there were no great celebrations, where the victors would tell the tales of military engagement. Many times she walked alone. She was a service person in the air force, but it had nothing to do with that, she was a warrior of truth. She always engaged the enemy in the Spirit. She did not hesitate when it came to doing the Lord's work. She considered it her honor. She was never afraid of the enemy. He taunted her all of her life. Many times he tried to destroy her from the inside out. He tried cutting her down long before she developed. Every trial and every test only made her stronger. When I met her, she always showed forth praises unto God. She was a called worshipper. She gained much strength during her time with the Lord, which was usually all day long. She always had praise and worship music playing in her ear. She was always thanking the Lord. There were many times her coworkers would rail against her. God would always come to her rescue.
There was a time that the Prayer Warrior invited me into her time with the Lord. To her surprise and to mine also. We worshipped together. It was spectacular. We flowed in the Spirit like a stream of water flowing around the throne of God. It was surprising to her. She couldn't believe God allowed me to be part of her worship with him. We became twins. We prayed together. We sang songs unto the Lord. We prayed for each other. We compared bible notes. She is also one of the greatest writers I know. I loved reading what God would speak to her heart. There were times when I wanted to write like her. She declared the truth of God's love. She spoke from the library of heaven.
In Indianapolis Indiana, I became her assistant, as I witness her battle against the maniacal underground forces. The demonic activity was great in this city. The underworld waged a great war against the churches. She stood in the place of the arch of the church, it was the only remaining structure left of the demolished building
She laughed the enemy to scorn, as she rebuked their activity, the activity that allowed the building to be demolished. When she laugh, the atmosphere shifted. Heaven now focused it's attention to the place of demonic opposition. As cars passed by, the passengers cheered. Perhaps they sensed a change.
This is one of many stories of my friend,
Alison the Warrior of Truth.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Love (Friendship) Without A Mask
To my Friend, Warrior of Truth (my blessing);
I refuse to speak against you.
I refuse to even see you in an evil light.
Teeth and tongue learn to share the same space, yet every once in a while, teeth will bite tongue and hurt the whole body. Oh my what pain that causes.
No one is going to get along always.
No one will ever agree all the time.
As friendship is a sustainer when times are strained,
So God directs us in to different places of learning that we may know his power in love.
When friends grow apart it is not growth.
When friends grow weary of each other it is not growth.
Growth is to know that the illusions of life seem real, but they are not.
Growth is better determined by the love we share, not as lovers but as friends.
The true measure of love is not a stomach of butterflies or starry eyes.
It is care and concern that no one else can or will give, but is given because we know it is the right thing to do and it is God's purpose for us.
Those who seek out the fairytale love, will always live in fantasy. Those who seek to fulfill God's destiny will always be full.
You and I are God's creation and to be regarded as beautiful.
If we allow "over thinking" to rule, then God's purpose in us will never be served.
Heaven is the place of Gods purpose.
Earth is the place where God's purpose is manifested.
When we pray, we pray God's desire to be fulfilled in us.
There are times when his will and our desires do not align. We must trust him to know what is best.
I never sought physical love, while it is good, it is a deceiver,
I never sought wealth or riches, for they are deceivers also.
I want what David had with Johnathan, love that surpass that of physical love.
God is forever blessed when we delight in him.
For some, they believe it to be in a church service. We do not live in a church building we live in him. For some it is the music, prayer and praise offered up to him. The greatest offering I can give, is me. Somewhere it is called a reasonable service.
When I give me, it cannot be the junk that I have acquired here on this Terra firma. It must be without spot or blemish. Or it is rejected by a just and sovereign God.
When giving love to one another it must be without dissimulation. (a hidden agenda). Some will show only the part of themselves that they want the other one to see. That is pure deception. They will put best foot forward. This too, is deception because the real person is never known until it is too late. That is a foundation built on a false premise. Like cracks in a foundation, the building can never have the value it should. As long as that fault exists the building is faulty.
Friendship is more than just words. It is words put into action. Friendship can be weighted and one- sided at times, very much like a balance. There are times when one is up and the other one is down. There are times when one carries another but that is not the rule, that is the exception. Friendship is God's gift to us.
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Old Tree
Why is that?
Is it that we assume that it will be with us always?

Concerning my uncles and aunts respectively:
I can still hear your voices in proper southern american dialect. I see your faces that gleamed at every family gathering as you carried yourself with dignity honor and respect.
Melvira, Eugenia (Jean), Fredna, Ethel, William-Taft, and
Wilbert (Brother).
Elmira and Clara whom I never got the chance to meet.
You were my mother's brothers and sisters.
We were all told the old stories of a depressed south, but the joy and laughter you found in one another. We listened to your talks about how being family got you through.
We could always come to each one of you for help and advice. We could always chat and laugh about everything.
You made sure we had what we needed when we needed it. If you knew about anything, you would share it. You all learned skills that gave you a lifetime of work. And you had the stories of your many adventures and your good times.
And the stories still live on.
We are carrying our legacy of family and devotion. We are doing what we learned from you. We have the roots and branches that extends the family tree. We grow, we therefore grow into the great tree knowing those who follow us will remember where we came from.
Respectively submitted,
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Insatiable Longing Given To God
Saturday, June 15, 2013
A Verse To My Small Children
My gift to you
With whatever's on your mind.
And it is what you will always find.
And I want to see you fulfill your destiny.
you will be known to all.
And this you must not forget.
Or someone just to listen
You are not an imposition.
Share with me your fears.
I'll be there to wipe away your tears.
Whether we smile or laugh.
This we will always have.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept
It is just empty and vain words.
It is just saying words that sound good coming from your lips. (people do that you know)
Before you make a promise you should think about the future of that promise. Do not just jump in because you are feeling good. Say if you need more time. Consider also if you are being coerced to be imprisoned by your own words.
Growing up in my small town,the words, "I promise" became a non effective promise. You would hear the words "I swear to God" to make it have some weight. Some would go further and say, "I swear on my mother's grave". It was saying, I promise with all that I am and all that is dear to me, including let my mother die if I'm not telling the truth. Probably it was a little strong for a kid to say that then, but sometimes the other person would demand it.
Maybe thirty years before that people would ask, do you promise? And the other person would say, "my word is my bond". And they would shake hands and go about their way.
Bishop Charles Henry Taliefero told me years ago, should a man formally proposed to a woman, he could not back out of the marriage promise. If he did, his name was mud wherever he went from that time on. One of the disciplinary actions he received was, he could not ever marry until he straightened it out with the formally intended. In a small sense he wore the scarlet letter.
A promise could not be empty or vain words.
In present times, promises seem to carry no weight at all.
Seems like anyone can default on a promise now. It's just defaulting. When a person says I'll be at a certain place at a certain time, and arrives late he or she has broken their promise.
Sure, there are extenuating circumstances.
Nevertheless if you have it in your power to do what you promised then you must do it. You must do it with all of your might. It must be the primary thing.
Don't make a promise if you can't keep it. Or put a provision of extenuating circumstances in it.
The older church people in the day when I was young would say, "if the Lord wills", or "if the Lord says the same".
It is very important that we keep our word.
God always kept his word. Whatever he said, he did it. Whatever he spoke he brought it to pass. The promise that he would redeem the world from the fall of Adam. There is not a promise that God has spoken that he did or will not fulfill. In fact, word of promise that he spoke to others, his word is so strong that we can also stand on those words for ourselves. If we can find it in the word, we can apply it to our own situation. God's word goes out of his mouth and it does not return to him empty handed. God's word is held responsible by God himself. When God speaks everything of substance and none substance must obey. Which says his word is ever creative. It goes out and and accomplishes what it is sent to do. This is always an expectation and a demand for it to accomplish. This is the reason faith works. It is based upon the accomplishing word of God.
When reading the word of promise we must keep in mind not to just accent to it but to believe it because God the creator of all things spoke it outright or by the agency of a human being. Just as he said let there be and it was. The same word is a promise kept. Creative and promissory. It is continual. It stands on its own merits. It is the word of the only wise God.
Friday, May 24, 2013
In Regards To Micah David
I don't know what it is to lose a son, but I do know what it is to stand in prayer for a family.
I wrote a little verse in regard to this circumstance.
Who can rejoice in these times?
Only those who trust in him when life is hard.
Who can trust in God in these times?
Only those who give God their affairs and take on his might.
Who can love God in these times?
Only those who with out a doubt let God fill their void
Some will just sit and just wonder, why?
he will give us peace, and peace of mind
Now you are resting in the Savior's arms. And that brings peace to our smile.
We honor what God has done.
We will always love our dear Son.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
A Song In The Night
As many others that heard her testimony was intrigued by this simplicity, yet utter profoundness. Instead of a prayer of give me this or that, it was ministry to the Lord. The church gave her strict attention. This was a welcomed testimony.
That really gave me something to think about and I've thought about it many times since. So much so that it made me modify my approach to God. The implications are astounding to me. Could God be going about the earth looking for worshippers. Those that would minister to him.
To hear what I believe was a message to the church, It was like listening to a whisper. It is intended for only the ears it is intended for. You know, like the word says, He that hath an ear, let him hear. It is important to your life. It is a treasure not just given to singers, but to those who will minister to the Lord in the quiet of night seasons.
This approach to God has always changed the focus from me to him.
There is always a song in my heart.
There is always a praise on my lips.
I will aways worship my God and King.
He continually teaches me how to break forth with a song in the night.
Many times when I could not pray in the 3 o'clock a.m. hour, I could lift my hands, lift my heart, and lift my voice to the Lord. I made a melody and added words of worship. None of the words rhymed but they all made sense. As a songwriter I write songs all the time. But these songs are for God and God alone. They belong to him.
A song in the night!!!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Spirit Walk
He leads me in righteous paths...
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
You are with me..
Just suppose for a moment that God knew that there would be times in life where we could not see the way ahead. And he would be there to navigate us though those times.
Just suppose for a moment that he would allow us to hold his hand and lean on him along the way of life.
Just suppose for a moment that he had made the journey long before we did and came back to make it with us.
Just suppose he knew that we would not be perfect in any sense of the word. Just suppose he knew we would have issues, problems, idiosyncrasies, mood swings, and tempers. If he knew that we would act like a child sometimes.
Just suppose he would not only walk with us but, he would put his Spirit in us to speak to us inwardly. Even to speak to our thoughts.
Just suppose he would guide our every step accurately, as we are making them in the same place he stepped before.
Just suppose he would shield us from every attack of the enemy. If we became wounded he would heal us.
What then if he would take us face to face with the enemy. Then he would not fight the enemy but prepare a feast.
Just suppose he would let everyone there know that we are the blessed of God. And blessed us in front of them.
Just suppose he knew there would be times that we couldn't go any farther and he would pick us up and carried us the rest of the way.
Just suppose in some of our greatest trials we had to carry others. In our greatest times of testing that we had to love and pray for the ones who have done us wrong.
Just suppose that when we reach old age or our time of transition he is with with us even more so.
Just suppose that when we breathe our last breath he breathes it with us into eternity. Just suppose when we get to our heavenly destination, God shows us how through every step of the way how he brought us through every situation.
Just suppose...
Our spiritual walk is a walk with God,
Where we walk by faith and not by sight. It is a walk whereby we must take him at his word. We must trust all that he says when we can not see or understand it.
Precious are the times we spend in his presence learning who he is.
Precious are the times that we get to know him by trusting what he says.
Precious are the times when he shows us we need his power to sustain us
Precious is the time when we will dwell with him forever.
Don't give up my friend, keep walking with the Lord.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Gasping For Breath
After being in a relationship for a while, there are things that you begin to notice about your mate. Not so much good or bad, just little subtle things such as sighs, stares, or tensing up. If you love your mate, it hurts you as it does them. Some mates will become angry and escalate their problem, or some will observe and wait for an open door.
I had to be observant because I knew, "every open door was not open to me, and every locked door was not locked always.
After a while she told me she wanted a divorce. I felt my breath leave me again, as if someone had cut off my lifeline. I could not breathe anymore. I was gasping for the breath, for which I knew as love.
All of the time, energy, and effort that we put into our relationship; We have children together; We have one on the way; What happened, I asked for three days? She was very reluctant to tell me. On the fourth day she said she was in counsel with the pastor of our church. He told her she needed to drop the loser, referring to me. He told her that I was a devil and I could never bring her happiness.
I knew for sure that I was dead. I was like a fish belly up in the water. Surely I could not breathe. Again, I was left gasping for breath.
Have you ever swam before? Have you ever gotten water in your mouth whereas you couldn't breathe? Have you ever gotten hit in your stomach so hard, whereas it takes your breath away?
Have you ever had an asthma attack whereas you couldn't breathe. These things remind me of how I felt. No I wasn't feeling it physically, but I was feeling it emotionally. Cut off from what I know as breath and life.
I wanted to do something evil to the pastor who was tearing my marriage into pieces. I wanted to exact vengeance upon him. He was lying to my wife. He was playing games with my loved one. He was destroying the only thing in life that meant something to me. Later I found out it was because he couldn't control my musical artistry. Later, I was surprised when I found out how rampant this was in some churches. I prayed and asked God what should I do? I prayed and told him how I felt about everything.
In my spirit, I felt led to pray for the man who had strayed from the mandates of God's words and had entered into an area of deception, self-deception.
Gasping for air, I had to make the choice of death or life. Death, was to choose to have vengeance; To go after the man that was destroying everything that I had built up. To seek revenge was to destroy myself from the inside out. I knew that I was loosing the external fight. I could not win because my wife told me she had to obey what the pastor said. She said if she didn't obey him her soul could be in danger of hell. Wow, talking about a sinking ship.
Life for me, was to die to myself. I begin to pray very hard for the man that would destroy my marriage. I took the order of praying for his success. Praying for this thing was very hard for me at first. How do I pray for someone who is destroying my life right before my eyes. I had to be be obedient to the Spirit.
The distance between my wife and I began to grow farther apart. We continued to have some good times also. In my mind, I was making the wrong choice, because the pastor would taunt me every time he saw me in public. His remedy for me was to stand before the church and apologize to him for disrupting the order of his service. Furthermore, he wanted me to sit in silence in punishment every Sunday as a spectacle for all to see. Someone else in the congregation suggested that I just tuck in my tail like a defeated dog and take the punishment. I decided against that.
I was given the order to pray for his success. I was so driven, that every time I saw him I would shake his hand and bless him, even to the surprise or some of the church elders. I would enquire about his wife that was now sick. Now his wife was dying. Now I had to pray for her even more fervently.
I just prayed all the the for him and his family. In fact the only thing that gave me breath was to continue in earnest prayer for him. I couldn't just pray empty words. The Lord wouldn't allow that to happen for me.
God began to resuscitate me through my prayer life. I was able to breathe again. No I didn't have my marriage, but I could live again. My children were now living 700 miles away. God was breathing in me as well as breathing in them. I still had a friendship with my kids mother.
For the point I begin praying, my prayer life began to increase. When the word says pray for those that despitefully use you and to pray for your enemy, he blesses your life. He opens the portals of heaven to you. I now breathe with the life he breathes in me.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Reason I Pray
Beyond my reasoning I can not understand anything.
Five senses joined with the knowledge that I have obtained, is limited to only my vision, education, and experience.
Tomorrow can be measured from some events of today and yesterday, yet the complete picture is fragmented.
I question the soundness of those who depend on the limited resources of mortal prophecies based on conjecture.
In the night when all is obscured by the cover of darkness, there is someone who sees and knows all.
Sight beyond sight
Vision beyond vision
Knowledge beyond understanding
Knowledge of present, past & future
Intimate with the depths of my being
knowledge of my true beginning
Knowledge of my mortal end
Present at my first and last breath
Is the supreme being we call God.
He is concerned about every aspect of my life.
He wants relationship with me now.
He wants me to have peace in the time of trouble.
He wants me to communicate with him in every aspect along the way.
I pray to remain actively join to him because he is my source of life.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Who Is Temptation
Why does temptation come to my dwelling? Is it the way I look or act? Is it because he wants to make me his slave?
Someone once wrote, if you dance with temptation, you will soon find yourself alone.
I see many temptations come into the life of the Christian. Personalities from the enemy of God bring them our way . They come to separate you from the love of God. They come the separate you from your faith in God. They come to take your peace. They come to separate you from your place in God. They come to separate you from the blessings that God has given you.
They offer you the world and all of it's treasures and give you nothing at all. They show you the kingdoms of the world and how they can be yours, and you receive lies for promises.
Temptation is like a table spread of sweets and candies, it looks good, it tastes good, but it will give you a belly ache after you're finished with it. It has no real substance. It is void of nutrients.
Temptation is very satisfying to the eyes, and the pleasure is just for a moment. But after all is said and done you are left empty.
In relationships, there will always be someone more attractive. It is the way it works. You have to make up in your mind that you are set for life no matter what comes your way.
To hear people talk you would think that they are blind to see what is really going on.
Temptation has his way of presenting something that is very pleasing to the eyes to convince you that you are bound to the old.
I had a friend who played around on his wife. One day he fell in love with his wife after he found out the affair wasn't real, only to find out that she had an affair to pay him back. It crushed him so bad he cried for weeks. He gained about 70 pounds. He didn't know what to do. He began wasting away. He then called one of the other girls he had fooled around to apologize for the pain he has caused her. She was grateful that he called to bring closure to it. She asked him, it hurts doesn't it? He began to cry again. She forgave him and asked him would he ever cheat again? He assured her that he had learned the lesson of lessons.
To this day he has never cheated.
All of that from temptation.
Temptation will make you think that you are in love with the outside person.
Temptation will make you think that what you have at home was a mistake.
Temptation will blind you to truth until it is ready to crush you.
Temptation never plays fare.
Yield not to temptation!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Because She Prayed For Us
During our formative years, our formal schooling happened during the day, and our spiritual training during the night. My brother and I was in Church nearly every night. My, If church was going on, we were going to be there. My parents believed this fulfilled the scripture "train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart".
One of the best things about going to church then was stopping at the hamburger joints on the way home.
Sometimes we were in church "8 days a week". My parents were not satisfied with us just being in church, but we had to participate. We had to sing in the choir. We had to play the musical instruments. We had to clap our hands during the singing. We had to say speeches when it was asked of us. Whatever was going on, we had to be a part of it.
When we would get home, straight to bed we would go. Sleep was immediate. The next sound we hear was not waking us up for school. It would be my mother laboring in prayer for people everywhere. The sound would get closer until we felt our mother's hands on our foreheads anointing us with oil and praying for us with all fervor and tears. As if, she was trying to pour life into my brother and I. She would pray and bless us. She wanted her children to be more. She wanted us to be representatives or ambassadors of God in the church. She wanted our lives to be as servants in the house of God.
They committed our lives to the service of the Lord.
Into your hands we commit the lives of our children for your service. We give them back to you as you have given them to us. Use them in your service, dear God. Protect them and keep them as you did Samuel, Josiah, even Jesus.
The committal was unto the Lord. It was a very serious. It was like marriage vows.
I remember watching the TV mini-series "Roots" where Kunta Kentae raised Kizzy to the sky and said, "behold the only thing greater than yourself". I realized at that time how important their committing our lives to the Lord.
About six years ago I had the privilege and honor of committing and dedicating my children to the Lord. I blessed them. I knew at that time it would be a long time before I would see them again.
I laid my hands on them and blessed them as I have seen it done. I ask God to allow their talents to take them before Kings.
Because my mother prayed for us, we have been kept by God. I noticed that my children started excelling in school and were given high honors. Thank you Mom for responding to the Spirit of God.
And Salvation Came
We all know the the story of when the flood came. And the people of the house went to the rooftop. Rescuers came by in a boat and ask the people to get in and go to safety. And the people said we are "waiting on God". Rescuers came by in a helicopter and ask people to get him to go to safety, and the people said we are "waiting on God". Then came the floods and destroyed the house and wiped out all the people.
Now standing before God, the people ask God, why did you not save us?
God responded, Why did you not get in when I sent you the boat?
Why did you not get in when I sent the helicopter?
The moral to the story is: when God sends Salvation it is not always the way we believe it will come.
If salvation was a man,he would look like nobody we know. He would act like nobody we know. He would talk like nobody we know. He would speak the language of good deeds. He would teach the lesson of helping others. He would demonstrate all that he is, by doing what he taught. He's example would be so strong that he would die for what he believed. He would also take your place in a wrongful deed committed against you.
Yes, Savation is a man and he wants to rescue us from all of our troubles. He wants to save of from utter destruction. Savation wants to deliver us from sickness and disease.He was willing to die for you and I. Salvation's Name is Jesus.

Faith That Hears
Romans 10:17
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Just suppose for a moment faith was a man. Faith would not speak to you unless you spoke the Word of God.
Just suppose for a moment you had to communicate with him to get things done. Would you speak the thoughts your mind, or would you speak the word of Scripture? I submit to you that you would have to speak the word of Scripture.
The language of faith is the word of God. And the language of God is the Word of Faith. You don't have one without the other.
In order for you to be saved you must have faith.
In order for you to be healed you must have faith.
In order for you to be delivered you must have faith. Not only must you have faith but you must speak the language of faith.
Fear is an enemy to Faith
Faith does not speak fear.
Faith does not receive fear .
Faith does not walk in the same path. In fact, faith destroys fear.
Sadly, fear is sometimes easier to believe in faith. Fear will present an evidence so compelling, that if you're not careful you will believe its story. Fear is, false evidence appearing real. Fear is a a deceiver and an impostor. Faith will not show you any evidence. In fact, faith, tells you to look to the word of God and take God at his word. Faith will tell you to fill yourself with the word of God. Faith demands that you believe that God is, an he rewards of those that diligently seek Him. Faith demands that you put away the words of doubt and unbelief. Doubt and unbelief are stoppers of getting things accomplished in God. God was pleased with and rewarded every man who took a hold of faith.
Faith always points you to God and to take confidence in what God says. Faith always ask you to recite and declare God's Word. Faith will always ask you to believe no matter what you see hear or feel.
If faith was a man, he probably wouldn't get along with religious folks. Religious folks have a way of holding on to their superstitions. They have a way of holding on to their dogmas and doctrines. Religious folks rather follow their traditions and rituals. And will challenge you by saying these things have worked for years and they will work now.
I was told that none religious people can sometimes receive from God more quickly that church folks because they will believe and speak the language of faith. Hmmm.
If faith was a man would you be well acquainted with him or would he be a stranger?
Are you listening to the call of faith? Are you understanding his words. Do you know the difference between faith and empty words.
Hold on my brother, hold on my sister to the word that God has given you. Hold on to his word of promise. He has promised to work it out for you and he will. He is not slack concerning his promise!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Prayer That Listens
There are so many voices in the world. There are so many voices we allow in our minds, but there is one voice of heaven that speaks to our spirit. In the stillness of prayer, not prayer of just asking, but prayer of listening also. Listening for the voice of God to speak to us, to give us direction, to give us focus, to give us clarity. Not by imagination, or wishful thinking, but to actually hear God speak in our spirit. Not too many people will like listening prayer, because it takes determination to stay in one place and just listen.
Learning to differentiate the voice God vs the voice of the imagination is key to listening prayer. If you are not careful and really listen, the mind will play tricks on you. You must learn the difference between the voices. The voice of God will speak from his word. The voice of the imagination will only speak to profit your flesh.
Many times, God will give directions. Have you ever been in your car traveling, and that still small voice says, to go,or not to go a certain direction? You hear it, but ignore it. Down the road something happens. You say to yourself, if I had only listened to my first mind. It was not your first mind that was speaking. It was the Spirit of God trying to warn you. Some may say, that doesn't make sense. God doesn't speak to you like that! But more times than one, when you take heed to that voice, you remain safe, and you prosper.
An effective prayer begins by praying the Word of God. You shouldn't empty your mind of thoughts, but you must fill you're mind with the word of God. You must keep your imagination in check. In other words, say to yourself I'm not going to listen to my own thoughts, but I seek to hear only the word of God. If you have to, close your eyes in order to shut everything else out. If you have to cover your eyes or your face with a cloth. You must concentrate on, focus on, God alone.
When performing the other types of prayer you concentrate on what you're asking God for. You either have a Christmas wish list, or a laundry list to present before the Lord. You begin that type of prayer at a disadvantage. It is prayer that seeks self-willed desires. It more or less tells God to be your butler or servant. Give me, bring me, let me have, I want, my desire, my need, I give you Lord. The one exception is when one is praying the word.
Many will spend their time on their knees praying and at the end of the prayer say, thy will be done. Yet you have just prayed your whole will, but at the end you say that thy will be done. Where was God's will in the beginning of your prayer? Were you just hoping that he would see past your desires? Were you just hoping he would just understand your humanity? God will speak to you. With all certainty he will answer your prayer, but what does God want for your life? What is his will? What is his determination? What is his desire?
... I don't know, you say ! Exactly!
I am NOT saying asking is not praying. The etymology of the word pray is to ask.
You must know the prayers also a conversation between you and God. And what I am saying is that in a conversation, one speaks, one listens and there is an exchange. And if you are not listening can you not hearing his answers for you. I've learned that prayer posters you in a position of battle or thanksgiving also. I've learned a prayer calls you into action. What kind of relationship do you have if you are doing all the talking? What kind of relationship do you have when it's all about you? What kind of relationship do you have when you're doing all the leading? Relationship is two-way, but God must lead.
Just a short time ago, I became very afraid, because I couldn't hear the voice of God. I have been used to listening and hearing God speak to me in the morning. Long before the sunrise, God has given me the course of the day. But I wasn't getting that anymore. I couldn't hear the thing that was so dear to me, the voice of God speaking to his servant. Going from one point of the day to the other not hearing from God. I had to turn to this word, the written word. It is my source of consolation. Yes I heard his voice through His Word. Yes I understood his love for me. I had grown accustom to hearing him speak to me in the morning. After spending time with him in his word, I begin to hear his voice again. I let him take lead. Glory hallelujah!!!
I encourage all that read this blog to practice listening to God. I encourage you to listen to his voice and differentiate the voice of your imagination. Seek to know his will first. Seek to understand his love for you. Know that he is not going to allow anything to happen to you. He loves you that much. It may seem like you're futile activity because you were used to fill in the air with your voice. Keep on listening it will pay off.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Struggle
I hate fights between couples. It is just too much. Some say it matures a couple, but it is just too much for me. The thrill is gone or the honeymoon is over. Those terms are terms that really cast great dispersions on marriage. Yes we all understand the classic power struggle, but fighting should not be named among those who are in the church, especially to those who are "saved". Where is the yielding to God? Where is the understanding that God be in every aspect of the marriage? What trouble is there if you have the understanding that God is first?; Prayer is the first consultant of the marriage, but many people go right past the God thing.
She hurt my feelings or he hurt my feelings are the excuses used to justify a position or stance. I have seen marriages broken over careless words, and like a thrown stone, they can't be taken back. Ten, twenty or thirty years of marriage broken because of careless words. Words that would not be uttered, but someone musters the courage to say something that shouldn't be said. If Jesus was standing there and knew the thoughts of the heart and you were were aware he knew them perhaps you would repent for even thinking them.
There are things that even best friends should not say to each other. Maybe that is an issue also, the couple failed to become friends in the relationship, let alone best friends. Perhaps the line in the marriage vows that states forsaking all others. We have perhaps failed to make each other number one.
Our struggle is God's struggle. I am NOT saying that conflicts don't happen in marriage , they do. But to fight, what is the purpose? God did not call us to fight. He called us into love and love is not fighting.
I'm going to get my way I'm going to do my own thing, marriage is about me anyway. You marry me for better or for worse. Certain things should just not be.
It makes you wonder why did you get married in the first place. Did you hide your real feelings in courtship? Were you masking you really were? The big question, are you faking it with God also? Maybe you were naive concerning marriage and relationships. Maybe you married him or her because you look good together.
Well you don't look good now. Like I said in the beginning, this is very embarrassing to the vows you made on your wedding day!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Draw Me Closer
I Am In Your Hands
I Am My Mother's Child
I remember being a baby standing on the side of the crib with the fluorescent light beaming against the purple background.
Living in a small apartment in the city of Chicago. We live on a Boulevard. Like most Boulevards in Chicago, there was a Park was in the middle. My younger mother and father would have picnics back then. Fried chicken, french fried onion rings, potato salad all spread out on a red and white blanket.
Mom also took us everywhere. Going to the clinics, lunches packed with salami on toast. Catching Chicago city buses, which ran on electricity. Remembering the sparking high wires as they made their way through the city in the early 1960's. Getting shots from the clinic my brother, I would scream very loud long before the needle made contact with the skin. The alcohol oder was strong because it was what they used to sanitize equipment during that time. Sometimes she would pick us up from the baby sitter's house, or from school. Remembering taking off all our clothes at the laundromat to be washed. Remembering the neighborhood schools how we would all crowd around the popular and friendly principal. Being taught how to cross on the green light. Summers on the outside with our friends.
Moving away from the large city to the small city. What a different way of life. Mother taking us and registering us for school. Birthday parties with relatives and friends. Baseball football and basketball in the park. Mom saying, I'm gonna tell your father, which caused us to straighten out right then and there. Being called home for dinner by our first and middle names, of which everyone in the neighborhood knew. Mom behind the stove cooking. Mom praying for us in the middle of the night. Mom was always there. Always smiling, always teaching, always cleaning, forever faithful to my father.
Now I look into my own eyes and see my mother looking back at me, reminding me of simpler times past. Yes we have all of the pictures of those times, yet when I want to see her looking at me, I look in the mirror. It is a cathartic moment for me. When I need some peace away from some of the stress of being an adult with responsibilities I seek the peace I remember in her eyes, I look in the mirror.
Also mother would walk around the house singing hymns. Many times now, I find myself doing the same.
Thank you God for giving my mother's eyes to always be with me.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Shadows Of A Foolish Past
1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Adults act childish at times. It makes you wonder, what is mentally going on in the minds of some people ? What has transpired in their past to make them act like a child without regard for others?
I remember growing up, it was said as an adult you don't do this, or that. There are just certain things adults don't do.
• An adult is an adult because he/she knows how to distinguish what is proper and what is not.
• To get angry at the drop of a hat or to keep your composure is the difference between mature and immature.
Growing up, it was practical to listen to the teachers. They were training us for what was to come in the future.
Where and when was our training lost?
Where did we lose our way?
One of the things that my parents stressed, "you'd better listen to those teachers". So that was our word of warning they expected for our learning. I thought it was the same was for everybody.
The bible says, Proverbs 22:15
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Wow, we knew when the teacher called home, we were in trouble. I can see my dad's eyes even now as I write. He wanted to know why , if we had the opportunity to get a good education why would we jeopardize that by disregarding the things that the teachers told us to do. Why would we disrespect their authority? Why would we disobey the things they said? It was not only the teachers in school, but our Sunday School teachers, and our Bible teachers also. Also our teachers were older adults that knew the way.
We were in school for learning how to prepare for our future.
Our history is full of examples a people not being educated for fear of those in control, that learning would cause an uprising in society. Not having an education was the plus in society for the oppressors. If you couldn't read or write, oh so much the better. This was the history but my parents knew all too well. Repression of Education was a tool used to keep people in a certain social, economic and subservient bracket.
My parents wanted the best for their children. There were certain things that they were not going to have, and one of those things being going to school and not getting an education.
I remember other children whose parents would come and fight the teachers for their children when the children were in the wrong. They actually came to school to fight the teachers. Now of course there were some bad teachers, but the majority a teachers were there to educate the students.
Some of my best memories are about my teachers. Yes there were those kids that came to school for different reasons. School for some was a place, where some kids would act bad all day long, as if they have no home training. Looking back now, I suppose they didn't. School for others was a place where some would act out their aggressions and fight everybody. Some never learned the value of an education.
Bad behaviors are learned behaviors. You learn what you can get away with. You learn how to manipulate the system. You learn how to get around certain things. You learn to manipulate people. You learn to bully some and those you can't. These are all learn bad behaviors.
All the super cool people I knew in elementary school s. Sad isn't it?
What is Sad, to me, to see adults in the workplace and people in the public sector act like foolish children. Some throw tantrums. Some also show their rear. Some will mess up things for others. I have even seen people sabotage other peoples work. They gain some type of satisfaction in making it hard for others to work. They see it as their job to make it hard on someone else and to make a name for themselves. You have to wonder what is going on in their minds.
In relationships, people act in strange ways also. They make it very hard on their partners and friends. They also show their rears.
What type of relationship is that whereas I make it hard on the other person. What kind of relationship is that where I fuss constantly because I think that a person deserves to be fussed at. Who batters the one they love. Who acts in a way to make the other person uncertain? Have we no fathers or mothers for teachers? Have we no one to teach us the right way to treat our love ones? Did we not have one who could prepare us for the future? Or were the people we were around as young people teaching us the wrong things?
Some people in learning to be adults took on some foolish ways they rebelled against all that they were taught. Some rebelled against society. Some rebelled against God and religion . Some just rebelled against everything. Some found it easier just to have a rebellious attitude. Some found it easier just to be mean to people. Some have been hurt to the extent they now want to hurt others. They got into foolish relationships in which they were warned by others who had the wisdom to see through facades the other person was displaying. Others reach out in love and asked do you really want what you think you see? Some said open your eyes and your heart to God. The persons went headlong into the relationship and was hurt very badly. Now years later they are hurting others. The foolish past is creeping into the present. They did not listen to their teachers. They did not take heed to the wisdom of the elders. Now their lives are in ruin.
It is now the time to relearn the elementary lessons. It is now the time to retool. It is now time to seek out teachers who can show us how to get back on the right path and not let the shadows of a foolish past creep into the present so that we can have a better future.