Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Love (Friendship) Without A Mask

Love (Friendship) Without A Mask

To my Friend, Warrior of Truth (my blessing);

I refuse to speak against you.
I refuse to even see you in an evil light.

Teeth and tongue learn to share the same space, yet every once in a while, teeth will bite tongue and hurt the whole body. Oh my what pain that causes.

No one is going to get along always.
No one will ever agree all the time.
As friendship is a sustainer when times are strained,
So God directs us in to different places of learning that we may know his  power in love.

When friends grow apart it is not growth.
When friends grow weary of each other it is not growth.
Growth is to know that the illusions of life seem real, but they are not.
Growth is better determined by the love we share, not as lovers but as friends.

The true measure of love is not a stomach of butterflies or starry eyes.
It is care and concern that no one else can or will give, but is given because we know it is the right thing to do and it is God's purpose for us.
Those who seek out the  fairytale love, will always live in fantasy. Those who seek to fulfill God's destiny will always be full.

You and I are God's creation and to be regarded as beautiful.
If we allow "over thinking" to rule, then God's purpose in us will never be served.

Heaven is the place of Gods purpose.
Earth is the place where God's purpose is manifested.
When we pray, we pray God's desire to be fulfilled in us.
There are times when his will and our desires do not align. We must trust him to know what is best.

I never sought physical love, while it is good, it is a deceiver,
I never sought wealth or riches, for they are deceivers also.
I want what David had with Johnathan, love that surpass that of physical love.
God is forever blessed when we delight in him.

For some, they believe it to be in a church service. We do not live in a church building we live in him. For some it is the music, prayer and praise offered up to him. The greatest offering I can give, is me. Somewhere it is called a reasonable service.
When I give me, it cannot be the junk that I have acquired here on this Terra firma. It must be without spot or blemish.  Or it is rejected by a just and sovereign God.

When giving love to one another it must be without dissimulation. (a hidden agenda). Some will show only the part of themselves that they want the other one to see. That is pure deception. They will put best foot forward. This too, is deception because the real person is never known until it is too late. That is a foundation built on a false premise. Like cracks in a foundation, the building can never have the value it should. As long as that fault exists the building is faulty.

Friendship is more than just words. It is words put into action. Friendship can be weighted and one- sided at times, very much like a balance. There are times when one is up and the other one is down. There are times when one carries another but that is not the rule, that is the exception. Friendship is God's gift to us.

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