Friday, July 26, 2013

Warrior of Truth (2)

Warrior of Truth (2)

There were those that didn't like her for their own various reasons,... but to sabotage her work. She was a mighty praying woman. She was as a warring princess.
She found out long ago, the more she prayed the better things would work out. She began to pray for all of her coworkers. Not the prayer of, sick them Lord, or get them Lord, but took in account of the scriptures that said, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you. It was done by purpose and by design that she would not return retribution for their unkind acts against her.

The powers that be, moved her to another office. They based on the claim that she was not doing her fair share of work.

Once she was shown the job and how to do it correctly, she would go at it full throttle. There was no need for you to try to keep up with her. By purpose, she believed in giving maximum effort to the point she was very tired at the end of each day. She treated the job as if she was working for her Lord and Master. After she moved to the new office God gave her a plan to work at maximum output. Working at maximum output according to the plan was less stressful and less demanding. The work began to accelerate with less exertion. There came a time when work became a gift to her.

The powers that be, called a meeting to call in to question all that she was doing. In the meeting they read the minutes from the last meeting. They met their obligations that were given to the various personnel and officers.
The time had arrived for the ones who set her up for failure to make their case against the warrior of truth.

The first accuser Mary said let see what has been going on at the office where Alison is working. She proceeded to say our office put out 501 work orders, and 300 mailings. We finished up the month with 399 assists.

What did you do in your office, Alison?

Under her breath she said, thank you Jesus!

Before she began she ask, and how many personnel did you have working on that?

Mary said we had 4 employees working on it. This is a 100 % improvement in all areas over last month.

Karl, Alison's boss smiled with exuberance.

Karl speeding this process alone ask Alison, how much work did you complete?

Alison smiling and happy from head to toe said,

Concerning work orders: I have completed 1200 orders
All checked and signed by Karl.

Concerning mailings: I completed 500 with 200 coming from your office.

Mary and Teresa mouths dropped with abandoned hope.

Lastly concerning assists:
I only did 200 assists.

Karl winked at Alison and no one saw it.

Anticipating question, Karlin said, all of Alison's work was certified by the county offices.

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