Have you not heard?
We met for a reason.
Either you are a lesson or a blessing.
Concerning the Warrior of Truth, she was both a lesson and a blessing.
One morning she called me on her way to work. I would often wait for her to call me because she also spent her early mornings praying and searching in the word for her morning message from God. She would allow the scriptures to speak to her so that she could have a daily word from the Lord , first thing in the morning. After that, she would share the message on Facebook. On her way to work she would call me and give me her personal insights on what God was saying directly to her. We would sing, pray and encourage each other.
On this day she was sharing her message with me and she screamed JESUS!
I immediately became unglued. It is strange how life in a matter of seconds can go crazy. MY most dominant emotion was fear that I had lost my friend to a car accident. Most people just don't scream JESUS in mid sentence. There was terror in her voice. Something was wrong. What's wrong
Alison, I asked in terror? I heard the sound of a crash. She did not say anything for a few moments. I felt helpless. I knew I had to let her gather her thoughts and I had to gather mine. Those few moments felt like an eternity. I knew God was protecting her from dangers in which she was aware.
I just hit another car and my car is totally demolished. I gotta check on the older couple inside the other vehicle, she said.
She in her calamity, was showing me how a person should act when all of hell's forces break loose on you.
She was not only a friend, but a teacher. I was learning from up close how a person must trust God when I became troubled by the forces against mankind. When my thoughts become irrational I must trust God to bring me through every situation.
Yes she struggled at times, but God kept meeting her at every turn. It is easy to praise God when all things are going well. Can we trust him when we cannot see the means by which he will deliver us?
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of the ALL. I must report to you that through the battles with the insurance companies and police report God took the old car in which she was having troubles, and gave her a brand new car. For the intended attempt to destroy her, the Enemy of God lost his bid. The purpose that God set was a new vehicle for her future move which neither she or I saw coming. God held her future in his hand. God knew the thoughts he had for her. Thoughts of good and not of evil to bring her to expected completion.
This Warrior of Truth is both a lesson and a blessing.
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