Warrior of Truth
The thunder struck with purpose, announcing her entrance, as she walked in her doorstep triumphantly. The lightning streaked across the northern sky, filling the night with light. The rain was coming down very heavy with voices that said "win" with every drop. She stepped inside to get out of the inclimate weather.
She has won many battles and this was just one more. Usually there were no great celebrations, where the victors would tell the tales of military engagement. Many times she walked alone. She was a service person in the air force, but it had nothing to do with that, she was a warrior of truth. She always engaged the enemy in the Spirit. She did not hesitate when it came to doing the Lord's work. She considered it her honor. She was never afraid of the enemy. He taunted her all of her life. Many times he tried to destroy her from the inside out. He tried cutting her down long before she developed. Every trial and every test only made her stronger. When I met her, she always showed forth praises unto God. She was a called worshipper. She gained much strength during her time with the Lord, which was usually all day long. She always had praise and worship music playing in her ear. She was always thanking the Lord. There were many times her coworkers would rail against her. God would always come to her rescue.
There was a time that the Prayer Warrior invited me into her time with the Lord. To her surprise and to mine also. We worshipped together. It was spectacular. We flowed in the Spirit like a stream of water flowing around the throne of God. It was surprising to her. She couldn't believe God allowed me to be part of her worship with him. We became twins. We prayed together. We sang songs unto the Lord. We prayed for each other. We compared bible notes. She is also one of the greatest writers I know. I loved reading what God would speak to her heart. There were times when I wanted to write like her. She declared the truth of God's love. She spoke from the library of heaven.
In Indianapolis Indiana, I became her assistant, as I witness her battle against the maniacal underground forces. The demonic activity was great in this city. The underworld waged a great war against the churches. She stood in the place of the arch of the church, it was the only remaining structure left of the demolished building
She laughed the enemy to scorn, as she rebuked their activity, the activity that allowed the building to be demolished. When she laugh, the atmosphere shifted. Heaven now focused it's attention to the place of demonic opposition. As cars passed by, the passengers cheered. Perhaps they sensed a change.
This is one of many stories of my friend,
Alison the Warrior of Truth.
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