We were young when my mother laid her hands on my brother and I every night, praying for our protection and welfare. It was to get us through our lifetime.
Her mantra was, "prayer brings life".
During our formative years, our formal schooling happened during the day, and our spiritual training during the night. My brother and I was in Church nearly every night. My, If church was going on, we were going to be there. My parents believed this fulfilled the scripture "train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart".
One of the best things about going to church then was stopping at the hamburger joints on the way home.
Sometimes we were in church "8 days a week". My parents were not satisfied with us just being in church, but we had to participate. We had to sing in the choir. We had to play the musical instruments. We had to clap our hands during the singing. We had to say speeches when it was asked of us. Whatever was going on, we had to be a part of it.
When we would get home, straight to bed we would go. Sleep was immediate. The next sound we hear was not waking us up for school. It would be my mother laboring in prayer for people everywhere. The sound would get closer until we felt our mother's hands on our foreheads anointing us with oil and praying for us with all fervor and tears. As if, she was trying to pour life into my brother and I. She would pray and bless us. She wanted her children to be more. She wanted us to be representatives or ambassadors of God in the church. She wanted our lives to be as servants in the house of God.
They committed our lives to the service of the Lord.
Into your hands we commit the lives of our children for your service. We give them back to you as you have given them to us. Use them in your service, dear God. Protect them and keep them as you did Samuel, Josiah, even Jesus.
The committal was unto the Lord. It was a very serious. It was like marriage vows.
I remember watching the TV mini-series "Roots" where Kunta Kentae raised Kizzy to the sky and said, "behold the only thing greater than yourself". I realized at that time how important their committing our lives to the Lord.
About six years ago I had the privilege and honor of committing and dedicating my children to the Lord. I blessed them. I knew at that time it would be a long time before I would see them again.
I laid my hands on them and blessed them as I have seen it done. I ask God to allow their talents to take them before Kings.
Because my mother prayed for us, we have been kept by God. I noticed that my children started excelling in school and were given high honors. Thank you Mom for responding to the Spirit of God.
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