Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Song In The Night

Several years ago, I listened to Sister Pearl Rutledge's testimony. She said, the the Lord was waking her up in the middle of the night. She would sit up in her bed and start singing to the Lord. She said it became a love serenade to him . She was singing to the lover of her soul. She became enraptured in honoring him on a nightly basis.
As many others that heard her testimony was intrigued by this simplicity, yet utter profoundness. Instead of a prayer of give me this or that,  it was ministry to the Lord. The church gave her strict attention. This was a welcomed testimony.
That really gave me something to think about and I've thought about it many times since. So much so that it made me modify my approach to God. The implications are astounding to me. Could God be going about the earth looking for worshippers. Those that would minister to him.
To hear what I believe was a message to the church, It was like listening to a whisper. It is intended for only the ears it is intended for. You know, like the word says, He that hath an ear, let him hear. It is important to your life. It is a treasure not just given to singers, but to those who will minister to the Lord in the quiet of night seasons.
This approach to God has always changed the focus from me to him.
There is always a song in my heart.
There is always  a praise on my lips.
I will aways worship my God and King.
He continually teaches me how to break forth with a song in the night.
Many times when I could not pray in the 3 o'clock a.m. hour, I  could lift my hands, lift my heart,  and lift my voice to the Lord. I made a melody and added words of worship. None of the words rhymed but they all made sense. As a songwriter I write songs all the time. But these songs are for God and God alone. They belong to him.
A song in the night!!!

1 comment:

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