Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Golden Voices

Golden Voices
I remember listening to the experienced voices of the aged. The words they spoke were not borrowed, but were bought and paid for by experience. It afforded them a little power to discern the foolishness of the young. They would say to me, that boy is not going to make it past forty if he keeps on doing what he's doing. Some were not around to see their words come true, but they did come true. I am not talking about old-folks-isms, I am talking about their experiences that got them to their old age.  
I also remember hearing them talk about the experience of friendship, love interests and people they lost along the way. To sum it up, we must not allow ourselves to become inebriated with contemporary voices and not listen to the golden voices that are still among us.

Warrior of Truth (4)

Have you not heard?

We met for a reason.

Either you are a lesson or a blessing.

Concerning the Warrior of Truth, she was both a lesson and a blessing.

One morning she called me on her way to work. I would often wait for her to call me because she also spent her early mornings praying and searching in the word for her morning message from God. She would allow the scriptures to speak to her so that she could have a daily word from the Lord , first thing in the morning. After that, she would share the message on Facebook. On her way to work she would call me and give me her personal insights on what God was saying directly to her. We would sing, pray and encourage each other.
On this day she was sharing her message with me and she screamed JESUS!

I immediately became unglued. It is strange how life in a matter of seconds can go crazy. MY most dominant emotion was fear that I had lost my friend to a car accident. Most people just don't scream JESUS in mid sentence. There was terror in her voice. Something was wrong. What's wrong
Alison, I asked in terror? I heard the sound of a crash. She did not say anything for a few moments. I felt helpless. I knew I had to let her gather her thoughts and I had to gather mine. Those few moments felt like an eternity. I knew God was protecting her from dangers in which she was aware.

I just hit another car and my car is totally demolished. I gotta check on the older couple inside the other vehicle, she said.
She in her calamity, was showing me how a person should act when all of hell's forces break loose on you.

She was not only a friend, but  a teacher. I was learning from up close how a person must trust God when  I became troubled by the forces against mankind. When my thoughts become irrational I must trust God to bring me through every situation.
Yes she struggled at times, but God kept meeting her at every turn. It is easy to praise God when all things are going well. Can we trust him when we cannot see the means by which he will deliver us?

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of the ALL. I must report to you that through the battles with the insurance companies and police report God took the old car in which she was having troubles, and gave her a brand new car. For the intended attempt to destroy her, the Enemy of God lost his bid. The purpose that God set was a new vehicle for her future move which neither she or I saw coming. God held her future in his hand. God knew the thoughts he had for her. Thoughts of good and not of evil to bring her to expected completion.
This Warrior of Truth is both a lesson and a blessing.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Love Is...

Love is...

Today I responded to a blog that asked the question, what is love to you?

My response was:

Love is...

Us nurturing and growing each other's life, making our lives better, changing circumstances around us with all the resources we are, making our existence better. We become more than we could have been without each other.

To me there is nothing like "falling" in love with the anticipation of being with a person for the rest of our days upon the face of this earth. This is God's perfect plan for imperfect beings. We have no guarantees, however I am so grateful that he gives us the necessary tools to accomplish it.

The picture in my mind is that of a gardener. The gardener plants the seed. He waits for it to sprout. If the sprout is in a container, he transplants it from the container to the earth. The gardener with give time energy to keep healthy until the sprout until it grows into maturity. He cares for the plant by dressing it and keeping it. He rids it of all weeds and all that would choke it out. He protects it from predators. He makes sure it has every thing it needs to survive. He provides a steady supply of sunshine water and nutrients as components it must have to maintain its integrity.

By my illustration we are gardeners to each others life. We are the caregivers and caretakers of each others lives.

Love for me is, providing and receiving the care that can be given by each of the couple.

For me it gives meaning to the phrase, we love God because he first loved us

Some purposely choose to have love weighted to their side to accommodate their needs only. Some do not know how to give of themselves in love. Love is not one-sided nor is it always equally balanced.

We go from marriage to marriage until we get it right. Love is more than a "me" thing.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Warrior of Truth (3)

Warrior of Truth (3)
Monday nights was date night with the Lord. It was a special time that she would set aside and spend with Jesus .  She prayed. She worshiped. She gave thanks. She had no human interaction.

Monday nights are given to the Lord. She did not call or receive calls. Not from me; not from her pastor; no one was getting through but the one for whom she prepared.

The Warrior of truth was pure unto her call. If you want me to tell you she was perfect, I cannot. If you want me to tell you she was 100 %, I can not. I can tell you she was more committed to God than anyone I know. Her commitment to God was not just on date night. When she committed to writing, she wrote. When she committed to reading the word, she read. What ever she committed to, she was steadfast.

During my time with her, many called her to pray for their various circumstances, God would intervene.
After date night was over, the next morning she called and we prayed. We sang songs unto the Lord and we offered up thanks. She and I shared fellowship.
Alison  is committed to doing what is right  She is the Warrior of Truth.

Warrior of Truth (2)

Warrior of Truth (2)

There were those that didn't like her for their own various reasons,... but to sabotage her work. She was a mighty praying woman. She was as a warring princess.
She found out long ago, the more she prayed the better things would work out. She began to pray for all of her coworkers. Not the prayer of, sick them Lord, or get them Lord, but took in account of the scriptures that said, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you. It was done by purpose and by design that she would not return retribution for their unkind acts against her.

The powers that be, moved her to another office. They based on the claim that she was not doing her fair share of work.

Once she was shown the job and how to do it correctly, she would go at it full throttle. There was no need for you to try to keep up with her. By purpose, she believed in giving maximum effort to the point she was very tired at the end of each day. She treated the job as if she was working for her Lord and Master. After she moved to the new office God gave her a plan to work at maximum output. Working at maximum output according to the plan was less stressful and less demanding. The work began to accelerate with less exertion. There came a time when work became a gift to her.

The powers that be, called a meeting to call in to question all that she was doing. In the meeting they read the minutes from the last meeting. They met their obligations that were given to the various personnel and officers.
The time had arrived for the ones who set her up for failure to make their case against the warrior of truth.

The first accuser Mary said let see what has been going on at the office where Alison is working. She proceeded to say our office put out 501 work orders, and 300 mailings. We finished up the month with 399 assists.

What did you do in your office, Alison?

Under her breath she said, thank you Jesus!

Before she began she ask, and how many personnel did you have working on that?

Mary said we had 4 employees working on it. This is a 100 % improvement in all areas over last month.

Karl, Alison's boss smiled with exuberance.

Karl speeding this process alone ask Alison, how much work did you complete?

Alison smiling and happy from head to toe said,

Concerning work orders: I have completed 1200 orders
All checked and signed by Karl.

Concerning mailings: I completed 500 with 200 coming from your office.

Mary and Teresa mouths dropped with abandoned hope.

Lastly concerning assists:
I only did 200 assists.

Karl winked at Alison and no one saw it.

Anticipating question, Karlin said, all of Alison's work was certified by the county offices.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Warrior of Truth

Warrior of Truth
The thunder struck with purpose, announcing her entrance, as she walked in  her doorstep triumphantly. The lightning streaked across the northern sky, filling the night with light. The rain was coming down very heavy with voices that said "win" with every drop. She stepped inside to get out of the inclimate weather.
She has won many battles and this was just one more.  Usually there were no great celebrations, where the  victors would tell the tales of  military engagement. Many times she walked alone. She was a service person in the air force, but it had nothing to do with that, she  was a warrior of truth. She always engaged the enemy in the Spirit. She did not hesitate when it came to doing the Lord's work. She considered it her honor. She was never afraid of the enemy. He taunted her all of her life. Many times he tried to destroy her from the inside out. He tried cutting her down long before she developed. Every trial and every test only made her stronger. When I met her, she always showed forth praises unto God. She was a called worshipper. She gained much strength during her time with the Lord, which was usually all day long. She always had praise and worship music playing in her ear. She was always thanking the Lord. There were many times her coworkers would rail against her. God would always come to her rescue.
There was a time that the Prayer Warrior invited me into her time with the Lord. To her surprise and to mine also. We worshipped together. It was spectacular. We flowed in the Spirit like a stream of water flowing around the throne of God. It was surprising to her. She couldn't believe God allowed me to be part of her worship with him. We became twins. We prayed together. We sang songs unto the Lord. We prayed for each other. We compared bible notes. She is also one of the greatest writers I know. I loved reading what God would speak to her heart. There were times when I wanted to write like her. She declared the truth of God's love. She spoke from the library of heaven.
In Indianapolis Indiana, I became her assistant, as I witness her battle against the maniacal underground forces. The demonic activity was great in this city. The underworld waged a great war against the churches. She stood in the place of the arch of the church, it was the only remaining structure left of the demolished building
She laughed the enemy to scorn, as she rebuked their activity, the activity that allowed the building to be demolished. When she laugh, the atmosphere shifted. Heaven now focused it's attention to the place of demonic opposition. As cars passed by, the passengers cheered. Perhaps they sensed a change.
This is one of many stories of my friend,
Alison the Warrior of Truth.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Love (Friendship) Without A Mask

Love (Friendship) Without A Mask

To my Friend, Warrior of Truth (my blessing);

I refuse to speak against you.
I refuse to even see you in an evil light.

Teeth and tongue learn to share the same space, yet every once in a while, teeth will bite tongue and hurt the whole body. Oh my what pain that causes.

No one is going to get along always.
No one will ever agree all the time.
As friendship is a sustainer when times are strained,
So God directs us in to different places of learning that we may know his  power in love.

When friends grow apart it is not growth.
When friends grow weary of each other it is not growth.
Growth is to know that the illusions of life seem real, but they are not.
Growth is better determined by the love we share, not as lovers but as friends.

The true measure of love is not a stomach of butterflies or starry eyes.
It is care and concern that no one else can or will give, but is given because we know it is the right thing to do and it is God's purpose for us.
Those who seek out the  fairytale love, will always live in fantasy. Those who seek to fulfill God's destiny will always be full.

You and I are God's creation and to be regarded as beautiful.
If we allow "over thinking" to rule, then God's purpose in us will never be served.

Heaven is the place of Gods purpose.
Earth is the place where God's purpose is manifested.
When we pray, we pray God's desire to be fulfilled in us.
There are times when his will and our desires do not align. We must trust him to know what is best.

I never sought physical love, while it is good, it is a deceiver,
I never sought wealth or riches, for they are deceivers also.
I want what David had with Johnathan, love that surpass that of physical love.
God is forever blessed when we delight in him.

For some, they believe it to be in a church service. We do not live in a church building we live in him. For some it is the music, prayer and praise offered up to him. The greatest offering I can give, is me. Somewhere it is called a reasonable service.
When I give me, it cannot be the junk that I have acquired here on this Terra firma. It must be without spot or blemish.  Or it is rejected by a just and sovereign God.

When giving love to one another it must be without dissimulation. (a hidden agenda). Some will show only the part of themselves that they want the other one to see. That is pure deception. They will put best foot forward. This too, is deception because the real person is never known until it is too late. That is a foundation built on a false premise. Like cracks in a foundation, the building can never have the value it should. As long as that fault exists the building is faulty.

Friendship is more than just words. It is words put into action. Friendship can be weighted and one- sided at times, very much like a balance. There are times when one is up and the other one is down. There are times when one carries another but that is not the rule, that is the exception. Friendship is God's gift to us.