I have no desire to live in my past, only to live in my now, To live in my now with all diligence will take care of my future. Yes I reflect on my past because it is the foundation to where I am now. I am a constant state of change. If I do not change, I will stay chain to the past. The past from a now point of view can be deceiving if considerations are not taken concerning what is now. In other words I can not romanticize what was. Like some old styles, it must stay in the past. The hurt, anger, and pain serve only to remind me that I made it then and I can make it now. I should not suffer the same things that I went through then or I haven't let that pain, hurt or anger go. It was only a teacher for get me where I am now. If it followed me, I didn't close the door to it. The teacher of the past told me that there would be many more teachers to come and that I must trade old knowledge that I can't use now for new knowledge now. It is said that information changes every 5 years. Then, why would I use information for example DOS 2.4 with Windows 7? It doesn't work. It is the basis for what is happening now, but many things have changed. I must have a working knowledge of what is now.
The pain of a teenager is not the pain of a 50 year old. Thank God the pimples left, and much of the shyness, and much of the ignorance. When I was a child I spake as a child, But now that I am a man, I must put away childish things.
I pray this helps you to understand that relationship is growth.
Thank you Wil. I will do my best to remember the words, "The teacher of the past told me that there would be many more teachers to come and that I must trade old knowledge for new knowledge now." Those are powerful words my friend.