Monday, July 19, 2010

The Heart of True Love

It does not boast in everything it does for the others. It only accepts it as responsibility. The duty of the heart is to stay true to the cause. It does not count how many bad things happen, but it does feel the hurt and pain. It can be easily bruised. Oh my goodness, and it can be broken, but it adheres to the voice of the Creator. I says it will follow his path of truth, and truth is not in what others feel. Truth is maintained by the voice of the Creator. The heart of true love waits to hear clearly the voice of Wisdom, its instructor. It is not moved by the voice of the moment, but clearly waits patiently to hear the full story. It does not give excuses for the lack that comes from others, it accepts the flaws, but more importantly it looks for the good. It does not take anything to see the flaw but it take much wisdom to see the flaws and look at them as a part of the whole and not the whole. It hopes out of hope for a better tomorrow. it is simplistic in its approach. The heart of love is under-rated because it does not follow the practices of the imaginations of men. It doesn't mater the age, it doesn't matter the race or creed, it speaks the same language.

Wow, the heart of love

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