Friday, July 16, 2010

It Pays To Be Righteous In Judgment, Not Angry

We need to judge each other as we would ourselves be judged. This a very difficult thing to do at the time of anger. Anger is not the basis of judgment. Justice is the human balance of judgment, but truth is the godly balance of judgment. God has and will judge us using the weights of goodness, mercy, and grace. He chooses this righteous judgment over anger. Anger causes us to look past what is true and what is honest and what is right. Sure we can be angry at another, but we have to judge them on the bases of the merits or context of there actions. We can not judge by how we feel. In the bible there is a parable of a man who borrowed a great sum of money from his master and did not have the ability to pay it back. The master gave the man grace and mercy and forgave the debt. This same man saw one who owed him a sum of money and became angry and had the man thrown into prison. The master got wind of this action, and brought him in and called him wicked and delivered him over to the tormentors.

In relationships we need to learn how to give mercy to others as if we ourselves were receiving it. It is godly to extend mercy even if it is not warranted. We have to use the balance of truth, also using the weights of goodness mercy and grace. If we are to flourish in relationships we must understand how to execute righteous judgments.

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