Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beginning and End part 1

Just as sure as there is a beginning there is and ending. How relationships start in joy and ecstasy they sometimes end in sadness is beyond me.
I will never cease to be amazed how the small things that wouldn't bother anyone in the beginning now hurt us with all intensity.
It is the Bible that says, it is the small foxes that spoil the vine. As an adult, I am rather disturbed by the fact that when we find a mate and marry them, we have all of these feelings that we call love, Many of them hard to described. We know or feel instinctively that this is our mate. Yes there are things that we may or may not like, but we think that we can live with them or perhaps these things will change. We like what we feel when we are with them, a sense of being or belonging.
We walk in confidence and assurance that we have made the right choice. If we are pray-ers, we have put in much time asking God to direct our choices. Wow how ironic. At the end of the journey,when we seem that we have gained so much more "so called" knowledge, we think we should have chosen better. '
We go on for many years in a quandary wondering why we made our choice, especially if the person changes up on us or we start expecting more of them than they are able to give.
At this point no one can do anything right.
Someone is always wrong.
Someone is always doing something the wrong way.
No one is interested in being patient.
No one is being considerate.
We began to count the wrongs
Sounds self serving  doesn't it? Well it is! In my estimate, at this point no one is willing to give for the sake of the first principle of love, and that is love gives itself. I want, I want , I want...
This is the point where one of the spouses may add another person into the mix, thus making this environment more complicated. or a person could have been added long before this point.
If this is the way relationships end who wants to start one, or be in one.

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