The light of the body is the eye. Everything I perceive with my eyes, I am either drawn to it or repealed from it. If I focus on it too long, it may become a part of me.
As a young lad, I thought I'd never see some of the things that I see now. Some of them make me shake with disgust. Some of them bring a smile to my face. Some of the things I see, just angers me. All I ever wanted in life was to be happy and live with the ones I love.
The world we now live in is very complicated. There are people vying for my attention, for me not to pay attention. Sometimes they are going after the money I earn or saved, my future earnings, or for my possessions. Some even want my peace of mind. Some want me to give them my valuable treasure of time. Is there something wrong with me because I am not happy without their product or services? Is there a blindfold over my understanding? At least, that's what they try to tell me anyway.
When I go to a grocery store, and what I see is, new, improved, better. Or when I see or hear a commercial, they are saying, "they don't do what we do we do this or we do that, which makes our products or services better". Somebody is always trying to sell me on new improved or better. They say, you can't live without what they have. But, I find I can live with what I have. If I make the choice, I want something new or improved , then I'll buy it, because I want it. I don't want to be a part of a marketing ploy or scheme. Surprisingly, this type of thing happens in places where we are not suspecting it would happen. It happens in the church and on the job or any place where they can captivate our attention . Is there any escape from it. If there is not, then I must come to some sort of understanding. I must have the power to say no. And I am going to use that power. Although some people do not stop pursuing me at the word no. But I must you must, we must stand firm on our resolve. It would be different if we wanted these products or services. But there's a constant bombardment on our intelligence how to get us to purchase these goods and services. There is a constant bombardment that comes our way to sway our thinking by their constant persuasions. My time is best spent doing the things that I like to do. My time is best being with people that I love dear. If there is a product good or service that I want or perhaps need, I will find it. This computer age has brought everything to my fingertips. On my phone, I can access the knowledge, and the products and services that are available to me. Also available to me, are the scams and schemes of the unsavory and fraudulent masqueraders.
But what of those who prey on my time, and my energy? But wait there are those so-called friends , and so-called close associations, those that are very close to me? If you have ever watched court television, you see a whole slew of unsavory characters, who by their own nature, try to defraud their love ones. It is a constant job for us to keep our eyes open. Constantly look at those that try to impose themselves upon us. We must examine their dark sayings, and there too good to be true proposals. The happiest people I know are the people that think for themselves. The happiest people I know, are the people that secure their happiness by means of looking before they leap. They have learned to close off and separate themselves from the things that mean them harm.
If the light of the body is the eye, we must close it off to all darkness that would seek to invade us. If the light of the body is the eye, we must only focus on the things that are good, the things that do not cause stress. We must focus on those things that secure our peace. We must be ready to fight for those things.
In relationship the same thing happens. When we have made the choice of who we want to be with for the rest of our lives, someone will come along tell us that we have made the wrong choice. They were show us all the negative points about our intended. They will try to convince us with all fervor the person we have chosen will be detrimental to us. They will say that that person is just totally wrong look at this or look at that. These busy bodies have been in trouble all their lives from the mates that they have chosen, what they want us to believe that they can choose for us? Sometimes to us, it seems like wisdom because they seem to dot every "i" and cross every "t". Here we have it again, the bombardment of our intelligent. At this point, godly wisdom must be the eye about our body , that if we want to be happy. My way it's not always the best way and that is when I turn to God. Like the song says, "he knows what's best for me more than my weary eyes can see". When I can't see, there is a lot more that God sees.
He is the life of his body of creation.
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