I have a relative who says, " it is the way I am and you have to accept me for it". The same relative will criticize you for what he considers your nasty ways. The irony of some people. In relationships we know there is there is some giving and some taking. We know that there has to be some acceptance of people's weaknesses and faults. But when one does not accept your faults and say that you must accept theirs, that is so beyond the scope of reality. I must accept your anger but you cannot accept my untidiness. I must accept your not wanting to cook, and you cannot accept my manliness. In reality, there are some things that we should not accept. In general, but there are many things that we should accept about each other. In the movie Good Will Hunting, the psychologist to Will, played by Robin Williams, tells a story of his dear departed wife, and the things he misses about her most. It was not the most outstanding things in her personality such as the sweet times or the good times, but her idiosyncrasies. Years ago this struck a chord in me. "Her idiosyncrasies". Just to think the things that we get mad about from day to day. It was what are fondly remembered. How can this be? It would cause him to chuckle in retrospect. He knew that she was the love of his life. There wasn't a day that went by that he would not think of her. In relationship, in my relationships, the acceptance of the person is, who they really are is substance of a true relationships are made up of. Can you relate to that?
My aforementioned relative, will literally give you the clothes off of his back. He still has an anger management problem. Every time he does not get his way, he wants to make you feel that you are the problem. It does not matter that he started it are you started it you are the problem. It seems, he loves drama. He is a drama king. When he becomes angry and swells up, he will say just about anything and everything. Hey maybe even whirl an object at you. His first words are you don't get it, you really don't get it. He gives the impression, it is about what he wants, not what anyone else wants. To me, this sounds like some love relationships. It's my way or the highway. He insists on saying that he is not the problem. He says that his way will work because it has work for him before.
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